Authors' Guide


Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Language Related Research (LRR). LRR publishes bi-monthly in Persian and bi-annually in English and French. It is an open-access journal where all submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind review. Prior to submission, authors are highly required to read through the Submission Guidelines meticulously and adhere to the instructions given below. Note that submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

 LRR  invites all Iranian and foreign researchers to contribute to the journal by submitting their papers germane to the following issues: Language Teaching and Learning, Teacher Education, Language Assessment, Comparative Linguistics, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Philosophy of Language, Psychology of Language, Discourse Analysis, Materials Development, as well as Learner Individual Differences.


The articles considered for publication can be in the following three categories:

a. Research articles: The articles should be research-oriented, resulted from the research work of the author(s).

b. Review-analytic articles: Accepted in quite a limited number and only from those top experienced authors in some specific fields, who have already published papers in the field.

c. Critical articles: By those distinguished authors, both Iranians and foreigners, in the related fields.

Manuscript Submission

Authors are required to submit their papers electronically by using the Language Related Research online manuscript submission and peer review system at The online system offers easy, straightforward log-in and submission process. Inquiries regarding journal policy, difficulty in a manuscript submission, and other such general topics can be sent to the Associate Editor at  To submit your work, the corresponding author must register as a user on the journal website. An email message will be sent to the registered author with log-in details, which can be used to submit a paper via the online submission system.

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscripts submitted to LRR should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition. The length of the typical manuscript should be between 6000 and 8000 words, including tables, references, captions, footnotes, and endnotes. Manuscripts that exceed this word limit will be critically reviewed with respect to the length.


Authors are required to submit two manuscripts. The first one needs to encompass the following elements: manuscript title, author name(s), affiliation, department, email address, phone number, ORCID ID, and a biography of 80 words for each author. If the manuscript is a multiple-authored one, the order of the authors and the corresponding author should be specified. The second file needs to be anonymous, and it must contain English and Persian abstracts, as well as keywords in the main body of the article.


Note: Foreign authors are not required to send their Persian abstract.


Formatting Guidelines (Manuscript Submission Template) and Writing Style

Manuscripts should be checked for content and style (correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar; accuracy and consistency in the citation of figures, tables, and references; stylistic uniformity of entries in the References section; etc.). Please note the following guidelines.

  • Document size: A4 paper size
  • Font type and size: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Margins on all sides: 2.5 cm
  • Line spacing for the abstract: single
  • Abstract’s word limit: between 150 and 250
  • Line spacing for the body of the paper: double
  • Space before paragraph: 0 pt.
  • Space after paragraph: 6 pt.
  •  First line of all the paragraphs should be indented by one tab key .5 inch.
  • Referencing style: both reference list and in-text citations should be in APA style.
  • Tables and figures: Tables and figures must be inserted in the text, and they must be in APA format.


The manuscripts must adhere to the following guidelines as well. Contributors are strongly required to use the template that is available on the Journal website for submitting manuscripts to LRR. Manuscripts that do not abide by the template and its style will not be sent to the reviewers. The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words, followed by three to five keywords, separated by a comma. The abstract must encompass information on the significance of the study, the clear purpose of the research, the methods and materials, the statistical analyses, major findings, and pedagogical implications.


The manuscript should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Review of the Literature (which may include subsections such as the theoretical framework, empirical studies, etc.), Method (including participants, materials, and procedures), Results (Findings), Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (in case) and References, and Appendices (if any). 

Note: The end-reference list should be on a new page and double spaced. Please use the hanging indent method for all the references (all lines after the first one are indented).


Authors are strongly required to comply with the formatting guidelines specified in the manuscript submission templates. Use the following links to download the template for the English manuscript, and the template for the Persian abstract (for the Iranian authors). Before submitting your article to be considered for publication in the LRR, make sure that it adheres to all guidelines given in this document; otherwise, the Journal Office may reject the paper before sending it out for review.


LRR Manuscript Submission Template

LRR Persian Abstract Submission Template

Plagiarism Check

Authors are strongly advised to run a plagiarism check on their manuscript, and they need to upload the file as a supplementary when submitting their manuscript. The Editorial Office also has the right to check the similarity index. By submitting your manuscript to LRR, you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works. Please be informed that LRR takes plagiarism quite seriously , and the authors are cautioned against this. Authors submitting plagiarized material (either from self or from others) will enter a blacklist and will be unable to make future submissions to the Journal and our associate journals.

Note: The similarity index should be less than 10%; otherwise, the paper is not reviewed.

Disclosures  and Source of Funding

All authors are requested to disclose any possible conflict of interest, sources of funding, financial or non-financial interests, study-specific approval by the appropriate ethics committee for research involving humans, and informed consent if the research involved human participants.

 Authorship Principles

LRR and the publisher assume all authors agreed with the content and that all gave explicit consent to submit and that they obtained consent from the responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out before the work is submitted.

 Information on APA seventh edition can be found at


For additional information on referencing, please check: 

 LRR APA 7th Concise Guidelines