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Showing 19 results for Wheat Flour

Mansooreh Hooshiyar, Gholamhosein Ebrahimipour, Kaveh Kaveh Baghaei, Mahdiyar I Iravani Saad,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (11-2021)

Backgrounds:  Celiac disease (CD) is a common autoimmune disorder caused by intolerance to gliadin protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, which is prevalent among 1% of people in different parts of the world. Thus, in the last decades, the demand for gluten-free products has increased. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the degradation of wheat gluten in laboratory.
Materials & Methods: Yeast colonies obtained from cloning were assessed for the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with protease activity and then inoculated onto MSM (mineral salts medium) with 1% (w/v) gliadin. Aspergillus niger-derived prolyl endoprotease (AN- PEP ) production was also qualitatively examined on gliadin agar plates by determining yeast colony growth.  Zones of clarification of gliadin around yeast colonies were regarded as the evidence of glutenase activity of AN- PEP . The qualitative effects of aspergillopepsin expressed in bakery yeast were studied on yeast gliadin and the rheological properties of wheat flour dough. The rheological properties of the dough were investigated by a rheometer.
Findings:  In this survey, gluten was efficiently degraded into short fragments by the AN-PEP enzyme. The results of rheometer test showed that the use of AN-PEP could affect the rheological properties. The quality of dough and the ability of AN-PEP to degrade gluten in dough into smaller fragments were confirmed.
Conclusion:  The current study gives evidence that in the future, the development of novel gluten-free products with high quality and taste is possible by degrading gluten protein into non-toxic peptides using a variety of AN-PEP enzymes.

Volume 8, Issue 32 (10-2011)

  Enzymes of wheat flour have an important role on the quality of various backing products, especially bread. The knowledge of their activites can assist us to produce the high quality products. On the other hand, the most wheat flours in the countery have low α-amylase activity. Therefore, optimization of flour α-amylase activity is important for production of high quality bread. In the present work, chemical properties of three wheat flours varieties (Mahdavi, Kavir and M7318 that are produced in Isfahan province) were investigated. To show the changes of α-amylase activities, the activities of enzyme were measured during the germ growth times up to 72 hours. α-amylase activity of flours was also optimized according to falling number 250. The effect of this optimization on the bread texture in four different times after baking were then evaluated. The results showed that all three varieties had lower levels of α-amylase activity than the optimum level. The results indicated an increase in the activity of α-amylase during the growth of germ up to 72 hours. The results of the determination of the best blending percentage of germinated wheat flour with baking flour indicated that optimization of α-amylase activity is essential in terms of both wheat varieties of flour and germination times of wheat germ. Bread texture analysis indicated that bread produced with optimized α-amylase activity flours using appropriate percentage of germinated wheat flour have softer texture and lower staling. Wheat variety had also an important effect on staling so that bread produced with Kavir variety flour had softer texture than other varieties. Breads produced with optimized flour using 72-hours germinated wheat flour had softer texture than the breads made by optimized flours with other germination times.

Volume 11, Issue 43 (4-2014)

Bread is the basic food group and it is one of the best sources of protein and energy especially for low income people. So it is important to pay attention to the characteristics that affect bread quality. One of the main factors affecting the quality of bread is the quality of gluten. Low quality of gluten in flour will make problems in bread industry. One solution to these problems is using the combination of glucose oxidase and xylanase enzymes. In this research, central composite design has been used to evaluate the effects of these enzymes as independent parameters on rheological characteristics of dough measured by Alveograph. The specific volume and sensory evaluation of bread has been determined after bread baking. Results showed that adding these enzymes lead to increase pressure and energy of dough and decrease in dough strength. After baking, results indicated increase in specific volume and total score in sensory evaluation of the breads in compare with the bread containing only α- amylase enzyme. In this research 35 ppm of glucose oxidase and 15 ppm of xylanase were selected as the best treatment after optimizing results by response surface method.  

Volume 11, Issue 45 (3-2014)

Investigation of chemical, sensory and microbial characteristics of flours in Khuzestan Bread consumption in most countries is too high, and it supplies a large part of people's daily calorie and protein requirements. Since the production of suitable bread requires the use of flour with specific features. The flour produced in Khuzestan province to determine quality characteristics were evaluated for their use. Chemical, microbiological and sensory properties of Flours from 13 factories in cities Andimeshk, Ahvaz, Ize, Behbehan, Khorramshahr, Dezful, Shosh, Shoshtar, Mahshahr and Masjed Soleiman, were determined using standard methods. The results of chemical characteristics show significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) of the flour. So that Protein, ash and moisture content and pH value Flours is the limit. Characteristics of microbial contamination of wheat flours showed that the mean total count, yeast and mold them into compliance with national standards in Iran. The evaluation shows that in different types of flour color, smell and taste are normal and there are no live pests and foreign impurities. Overall, this study shows that although flours have the minimum protein and wet gluten for bread production. However, according to low Zeleny index, they cannot produced bread with good quality, therefore it has better adding additives or mixing them with flours from other areas.    

Volume 12, Issue 3 (9-2023)

The extrusion process is widely used in making aquatic feeds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of extrusion on biochemical analysis, removal of phenolic compounds and protein and carbohydrate digestibility of wheat flour in common carp. In treatments 1, 2 and 3 wheat flour was mixed with tap water at the rate of 250, 100 and 200 ml per kg of flour and then extruded by a single-axis extruder under the temperature of 120, 135 and 120 °C, respectively. Treatment 4 (control) was not subjected to the conditions of dough preparation and then extrusion. Extruding had no significant effect on the amount of crude protein and ash of wheat flour (p>0.05) but it significantly decreased the content of crude lipid, total phenolic compounds and non-tannin phenolic compounds and increased the digestibility of carbohydrate and protein (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in the amount of crude protein, crude lipid, ash and non-tannin phenolic compounds in the extruded treatments, but significantly the lowest amount of total phenolic compounds was recorded in treatments 1 and 2. Significantly, the highest carbohydrate digestibility was obtained in treatments 1 and 2, and the highest protein digestibility was observed in treatment 2. In total, treatment 2 (135 °C and 100 ml tap water per kg flour) was recognized as the best extruded wheat flour for common carp.

Volume 12, Issue 47 (7-2015)

Wheat flour has many proteins in which gluten is an important protein in it and this protein has important role in dough formation and bread making.Thus, Uses of different materials must be considered to improve gluten quality as well as wheat flour enrichment. In this study the effects of adding chickpea protein isolate in range of 3 to 7 g and ascorbic acid in  ‎range of 0.05 to 0.15 % in wheat flour formulation on gluten stability and extensibility were investigated by response surface methodology. Therefore, The results showed that  increasing of chickpea protein and ascorbic acid concentration had significant effect (p<0.01) on farinograph parameters texture analyzes (dough extensibility) . The results of optimization in the case of 3 gr of chick pea protein isolate and 0.15% of ascorbic acid were as follows; water absorption 57.7%, dough development time 2.8 minute, dough stability 6 minute, mixing tolerance index 58 FU, farinograph quality number 91.3, toughness (area under curve) 3.3 N/mm, maximum resistance 0.02 N and dough extensibility 22.9 mm. Therefore, chickpea protein weakens strong flours gluten and it can be uses for making biscuit .   

Volume 13, Issue 51 (7-2016)

  Flour is main component forming bread that is major diet for many people. Therefore, for improve bread quality, is necessary that is decreased wastage of basic and strategic staple. In this research, three types of flour (nol, setare, without bran) were prepared from Arddaran company and were placed phostoxin pill for prevention of attack pesticides and insects, then were packaged in plastic bags and were storage at autumn and winter in environmental condition, then, was investigated chemical, rheological and microbial attributes during six months, interval once months .From results can find that quality attributes of low rate of extraction flour (nol) are better than high rate of extraction flours (without bran). Quantity attributes of flours (such as, ash, protein and gluten) are not changed significant during storage of flour, except, moisture is decreased. But, quality attributes              ( such as, gluten index, zeleny, farinograph quality number ) are improved, oxidation with subjecting air cause new disulfidryl bonds (S-S) between different chains of protein, or disulfidryl groups interact with exist disulfidryl bonds and form new disulfidryl bonds , that increase strength and quality of flour . According to the analysis of wheat flour quality parameters (zeleny, gluten index and farinograph quality number) is required at least 4 months storage for improve of quality of                    flour. Components of flour especially gluten and enzymes change during storage of flour. Sum of these changes result aging flour, therefor, is improved it is quality and moisture, also, flour is aged rapidly with preparation sufficiently and good ventilation. Considering that after six months of storage, the flour reached a maximum and during this period, the microbial load of the samples exceeded the standard has not been exceeded, The flour is stored for six months, it will be strengthened, especially in the case of weak flour, they must be stored and used later.

Volume 13, Issue 60 (0-0)

Volume 14, Issue 2 (3-2012)

Among cereals, oats are unique for their benefiting from high protein as well as lipid content. However, insufficient gluten content creates a big challenge to making breads out of this kind of cereals. Flour made of one type of bread wheat cultivar plus two types of improved oat lines were employed in this study to make composite oat-wheat flour bread. According to the data obtained from farinograph readings, water absorption capacity and the duration of the dough development increased with an increase in the dough’s proportion of oat. The data obtained from the extensograph readings showed that the dough energy increased but extensibility property decreased with increase in the proportion of oat in the dough. Breads with 10% oat flour were ranked highest by the panelists. However, from a sensory point of view, the 10% formula was found to be inferior to control (bread baked from 100% wheat flour). Overall, considering the substantial nutritional benefits of oat, a certain level of compromise in the sensory properties can be made by offering breads with 20-30% rate of oat content.

Volume 15, Issue 7 (12-2013)

 The aim of this study was to evaluate the capability of the empirical (large scale) and fundamental (small scale) rheological tests to differentiate between wheat flours of different harvest years. In order to provide flours affected by different climatic conditions, harvest years 2004 and 2005 characterized by high temperatures and large amounts of rainfall were chosen. Moreover, a control wheat flour sample was also tested. In order to simulate the baking process, both rheological measurements at constant low temperatures (30°C) and those that involved heating (30-100°C) were employed. Empirical and fundamental rheological parameters related to gluten strength were in great accordance and the flour strength decreased in the following order: control wheat flour> wheat flour of 2005> wheat flour of 2004. However, parameters related to starch pasting, such as peak viscosity, expressed different order when measured in suspension (Amylograph, Falling number) and dough (Mixolab, Rheometer) due to different amounts of available water.

Volume 15, Issue 83 (12-2018)

Wheat is harvested in a short period of time, but it takes several months to be processed and consumed. So wheat flour needs to be stored in suitable condition to retain its good quality for nutrition and industrial uses. On the other hand, exposure of wheat under improper conditions may deteriorate the quality resulting in high economic losses. In this study accelerated ageing of wheat grains was carried out by increasing moisture content (16, 18 and 20%) and keeping the samples in different temperatures (30, 40 and 50°C) for different periods (2, 5 and 8 days).Samples were then milled and physicochemical properties including moisture content, protein, ash, wet gluten, pH and falling number were determined. Response surface methodology with central composite design was applied to minimize total numbers of experimental runs and to determine the significance of the factors.Results showed that increasing storage temperature and time resulted in increasing protein, falling number and ash, while wet gluten, pH and moisture content decrease. By increasing moisture content, wet gluten, protein, ash and falling number decreased while moisture content and pH increased. Optimization using response surface methodology showed that the optimum condition for accelerated ageing of wheat grain contained 16% moisture content, storage temperature of 40.74°C for 2.57 days.

Volume 16, Issue 91 (9-2019)

The effects of adding powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea on the physicochemical properties of wheat flour dough were evaluated  with farinograph test. The amount of fat, protein and fiber was more in powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea  than wheat flour. Farinograph test results show  an increase in water absorption, stability time and Farinograph quality number and a decrease in the Degree of Softening in dough with increasing replacement of powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea(P< 0.05). Farinograph quality number with increasing in the percentage of powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea to10% was decreased, but 15% powdered leaves of powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea showed highest number Farinograph quality(P< 0.05). With increasing levels of powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea decreased Degree of Softening in dough and created significant changes in dough development time(P< 0.05). Farinograph assessment of dough provided with powdered leaves of Portulaca Oleracea, dough prepared with 10% leaf powder introduced as the best example in terms of the rheological properties.

Volume 17, Issue 2 (3-2015)

In this study, the effects of incorporating grape seed powder (GSP) on flour physicochemical properties i.e. particle size, crude protein, fiber, wet gluten and gluten quality (Zeleny test), and dough rheological properties were investigated. Increasing incorporation levels of GSP from 5 to 25% (w/w flour basis) led to an increase in the amount of fat, total phenol, and total dietary fiber; whereas total protein, wet gluten, and Zeleny values of the flour blends decreased. The results of farinograph test indicated a reduction in water absorption, stability, and farinograph quality number by increasing the concentration of GSP in the flours. Addition of GSP to wheat flour increased degree of softening and mixing tolerance of dough, while arrival time was slightly affected. Incorporation level below 10% (w/w) showed no negative effect of grape seed on dough rheological performance. There was a good potential in increasing nutritional and health value of bread by incorporating GSP, while keeping attention on the negative effects of the higher concentrations of GSP. 

Volume 18, Issue 119 (12-2021)

In the present study, the effect of adding quinoa flour and germinated wheat flour on the physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of sponge cake was investigated.The results showed that as the amount of quinoa flour and germinated wheat flour increased, ash, protein, and fat content of sponge cake samples significantly increased (p<0.05). The lowest porosity was observed in sample T6 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 15% wheat flour) (p≤0.05). The highest moisture content was observed in sample T8 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 0% germinated wheat flour) on all days (p≤0.05). Texture profile analysis results showed that texture of sponge cake samples significantly increased with increasing amount of quinoa flour and germinated wheat flour (P≤0.05). Evaluation of sensory test results showed that the highest color score belonged to sample T7 (sponge cake containing 0% quinoa flour + 15% germinated wheat flour) and sample T8 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 0% germinated wheat flour). Was. The lowest odor score was observed in the control sample and the highest in the sample T8 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 0% germinated wheat flour) (p≤0.05). The highest sensory score belonged to the sample T8 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 0% germinated wheat flour) and sample T8 (sponge cake containing 15% quinoa flour + 0% germinated wheat flour) was selected as the highest treatment.

Volume 18, Issue 120 (12-2021)

Bakery products that contain main part of food process industries usually made with wheat flour and establish a stable gluten network when mixed with water. Although presence of gluten proteins in wheat flour is a unique property, but substituting of wheat flour with other cereal grains up to a certain limit is possible. In current research three different millet varieties namely Proso, Pearl and Foxtail millet were used. Millet flour was used in proportions of 10, 30, 50 and 100% in replacing wheat flour in a cake recipe. Sensorial properties, textural attributes and color indices were evaluated. Results showed that increase in millet concentration in cake formulation decreased the efficiency properties of cooking of dough. Cake height decreased with increase in millet concentration in dough. Pearl millet showed a better cake volume in comparing with the two other millets. Cake cohesiveness decreased with increase in millet substitution and these variations was the same for all varieties. Millet composition in dough decreased adhesiveness of the product. Cakes with higher millet composition showed higher hardness. Totally, Pearl millet produced better cakes in comparison with Proso and Foxtail millets. Total acceptability of millet cakes obtained higher scores at sensory analysis. Considering all characteristics used in current study, 30% substitution level suggested as the best substitution level. The results of current research are valuable at bakery products containing millets.

Volume 18, Issue 121 (3-2022)

One of the reasons of the bakery products poor quality and quality defection in the country is the low quality and the impropriety of wheat. Regarding the uncontrollability of so many effective factors in wheat quality. Using of improving agents in wheat flour has been highly considered. In this study, the effect of tow improving agents, ascorbic acid in three levels (20, 40, 60 ppm) and α-amylase enzyme in three levels (25, 50 and 75 ppm) over dough was investigated. Rheological tests results showed that increasing level of ascorbic acid from 20 ppm to 60 ppm is effective in dough stability time and dough developing time increment, reduction in dough softening degree, increasing elasticity, improving gluten structure and increasing the usage level of α-amylase enzyme from 25 ppm to 75 ppm is effective in the collapse of polymeric structure of starch, dough softening, stability, developing time and reduction elasticity characteristics. In simultaneous use of additives in constant amount of α-amylase enzyme, increase of ascorbic acid from 20ppm to 60ppm causes rheological individually betterness. Dough stability time, developing time and dough elasticity as well. This effect in constant amount of ascorbic acid shows a diverse relationship specially with high amount of added α-amylase (50 and 75 ppm). Generally, in addition to ascorbic acid containing treatment on its own using of α-amylase enzyme in 50 ppm level with 60 ppm ascorbic acid in improving the rheological and quality specialty of dough is suggested.

Volume 20, Issue 138 (8-2023)

Although millet flour lacks gluten, however it is a rich source of protein, amino acids, energy, vitamins and nutritional ingredients in comparing with other cereal grains. In addition, it is overfilled of dietary fibers, phytochemical materials and micronutrients as well. In current research the effect of millet and wheat flour combinations in bread making was evaluated at different percentages of substitutions (10, 30 and 50 %). Baking properties of different bread samples were evaluated and related parameters with bread quality including volume, height, textural attributes (hardness, adhesiveness and cohesiveness), bread color and sensorial characteristic analyzed and compared with control bread. Results revealed that height and volume decreased but bread hardness increased with increase in substitution level. Color indices decreased for crust; however similar behavior was not observed for crumb. Interesting results observed by sensorial analysis. Total acceptance was higher in comparison with control bread due to different texture and taste. But this total acceptance decreased with substitution. The results of current research revealed high potential of millet flour for further usage in different food formulation.

Volume 20, Issue 140 (10-2023)

White button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) is widely used in cooking and has good nutritional value. Today, the demand for fried edible mushrooms is increasing. Edible coatings can reduce oil uptake and improve the quality characteristics of fried products. In this study, the effect of wheat flour (0, 1, 2 and 3% w/v), corn flour (0, 1, 2 and 3% w/v) and Aloe vera gel (0, 10, 20 and 30% w/v) on the quality attributes of mushroom during deep fat frying were investigated. The results showed that different coating materials decreased oil absorption in the final product (p<0.05). The lowest amount of oil uptake was observed for samples coated with 3% of wheat flour and 1% corn flour and 10% Aloe vera gel. Also, the used coatings agents improved frying efficiency, moisture content and sensorial properties of fried mushroom (p<0.05). Colorimetric results showed that the Aloe vera and wheat flour coatings, increased L (brightness) and ΔΕ (color difference). The highest a value (redness) was observed in samples coated with 3% wheat flour and the lowest a value was related to the samples coated with 3% corn flour. The highest amount of b value (yellowness) was observed in the control sample. The results showed that the use of the aloe vera gel, wheat and corn flour coatings improved the quality properties of fried mushrooms. Therefore, the use of edible coatings seems necessary in production of low-fat fried mushroom.

Volume 21, Issue 152 (9-2024)

In this research, the production of Lavash bread enriched with pumpkin seed powder and its physicochemical properties were investigated. Independent variables include different concentrationsmouseout="msoCommentHide('_com_1')" onmouseover="msoCommentShow('_anchor_1','_com_1')">[mh1]  of pumpkin seed powder (2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 grams per kilogram of flour) and storage time during one week according to the statistical design table, and dependent variables include pH, acidity, water absorption, percentage Protein, ash, fat, sugar, zeleny, gluten and gluten index were. All experiments were done in three replicates (n=3) with completely random sampling. Data analysis was done using Design Expert13 software. The results of the tests showed that in this research all the answers were significant (p<0.05). An increase in pH from 6.26 to 6.29 and a decrease in flour acidity from 2.6 to 1.6 were observed. In addition, the increase in the use of the enrichment agent caused changes in water absorption from 127.1 to 127.8 percent, protein from 1.371 to 1.377, ash from 1.031 to 1.041, fat from 1.029 to 026. 1, sugar from 0.24 to 0.31, Zeleny index from 89.2 to 89, wet gluten from 29.1 to 32.7, gluten index from 81 to 83 in flour (p<0.05) . Also, the mutual effects of the amount of pumpkin seed powder and storage time on the amount of protein, fat and sugar of bread showed a significant difference, which caused an increase in fat and protein and a decrease in sugar. The overall results showed that the use of pumpkin seed powder significantly improved most of the physical and chemical quality parameters of enriched Lavash flour and bread. It was also found that the use of pumpkin seed powder as a relatively cheap and efficient source can be used to produce quality bread with nutritional value and desirable physicochemical properties.

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